Sunday, December 27, 2009

Spicy Oriental Chicken

Here's another Oriental dish. As with most Asian dishes, it is very easy to prepare and best served with rice. Yum-o!

Chop up one white onion, some ginger, and a chili. we call it siling espada in the philippines, i dont know what the english terrm for it is. But it has a very distinct taste.

sautee the ginger in some oil until u start to smell it
add in the onions
and the chili
add some sesame oil
and then chicken fillets
add 3 some dark soy sauce
and some brown sugar
Plus, oyster oyster sauce
and some Hoisin suace

add some water
and then bring it to a boil. once it starts boiling, add some corn starch disolved in cold water. this will make the sauce thicker
Your dish is ready to serve!
These photos were snapped with my sony cybershot w290's Gourmet function, which makes ifood look yum-o! (even when its all brown like this one)

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